ESA Gasket Database

The gasket characteristics published in this database are approved by the European Sealing Association (ESA). The ESA is operating the database as a service for our members and for general industry. The data is independently verified from each manufacturer to ensure consistency and accuracy.
This is a developing database and the first phase of the programme is limited to gasket characteristics according to EN 13555 which are required for flange calculations according to EN 1591-1. The database will be developed to include additional characteristics (e.g. HOBT, ROTT, m & y, etc.) in future releases.
Quick Guide –
How to use this database
Gasket materials from different manufacturers are recorded in the database and categorised into different Types. After selecting the desired Type of gasket you have the option to select the Manufacturer and then in some cases a specific product. After the product has been selected some general data will be shown and there is the option to view the gasket characteristics according to EN 13555.
A table with the numerical data and a graph for each characteristic is available. The characteristics can be downloaded in a PDF and a XML format. The values can be implemented into pertinent software tools for the calculation of bolted flanged joints.
Background EN 13555
The European Standard EN 1591-1 is used for the calculation of bolted flanged joints, stress analysis as well as for tightness proofs. In this calculation procedure gasket characteristics according to EN 13555 are used to describe the mechanical and the tightening behavior of gasket materials. These gasket characteristics are listed in the tables within the data and described in the table below.